Band Instrument Rental Form

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Band Rental Terms and Conditions
Revised May 2024

In this Agreement, the customer is Identified as “I”, “me”, or “my”, and Pladd Dot Music, Inc. is identified as “Pladd Dot”.

I understand that I am filing an online form that represents a legally binding contract between myself and Pladd Dot Music.

1. Nature of the Agreement: The Agreement constitutes a Legally Binding Contract between Pladd Dot Music, Inc. (Business) and the person who’s name appears on this form (Customer). This Agreement is a Rent-to-Save program meaning that if the contract remains in effect and in good standing, the customer will earn up to 24 months of rental
payments as credit toward the purchase on a step up or intermediate instrument. “Step Up”, “Intermediate”, or “Professional” are understood to
be an instrument of higher value.

2. Monthly Rental Payments: I Agree to rent the instrument described above for at least one (1) month. If I decide to continue to rent the instrument, I will be debited by ACH on the day set forth by me in the aforementioned form until my contract is fulfilled, or I return the instrument to Pladd Dot Music. I understand that if I terminate or suspend this contract at any time, I must start over with a new one in order to continue services through Pladd Dot Music. I understand that my possession of the instrument for any part of the month constitutes a full month’s use. I further agree to pay a $10.00 fee for any late or returned payments. I also understand that should I choose the last day of the month, the billing cycle will take place on the 28th (as each month has a minimum of 28 days).

3. Credit Toward Purchase: Since this agreement is a Rental contract, up to 24 months of my rental payments under this contract can be applied toward the purchase of an intermediate instrument (an instrument generally considered to have professional features and standards—generally accepted to be a performance quality instrument). If my student is not successful on this instrument, I may change to another instrument at any time during this agreement without losing any of my rental credit. I further understand that such changes may raise or lower my rental payments due to varying prices of different instruments. If my student chooses to purchase an upgraded instrument from the rental model (ie: Professional or Intermediate) I will receive credit for up to 24 months of my rental payments under this contract. Rental credit does not include the $12 maintenance and service fee paid each month to keep the instrument in serviceable condition. For example, if your payment is $35 a month for a rental, your rental credit earned is $23.

4. Termination: I am not obligated to rent the instrument after the first month provided I return the instrument to Pladd Dot Music in the same condition in which it was rented (outside of normal wear and tear). I am Liable for this instrument until it is returned to Pladd Dot Music. Pladd Dot may terminate this contract and demand the return of the instrument at any time if I miss a payment or breach any other term of this agreement. I understand that if I return the instrument without purchasing an intermediate instrument mentioned in section three (3) of this contract, that I will not be eligible to receive credit towards my purchase of this or any other instrument.

5. Authorized to Charge: I hereby authorize Pladd Dot Music to charge my bank account through Schedule H authorization (ACH) and/or my credit card if there are insufficient funds in my account. I hereby authorize Pladd Dot Music to charge any late fees and NSF fees to my account on file through the Schedule H authorization. I understand that if my account payment has insufficient funds on the day I register to be charged, that I authorize Pladd Dot Music to charge my account on a later date of the month.

6. Entire Agreement: This written contract which I have read and understand constitutes my entire agreement with Pladd Dot Music. It cannot be altered or amended without consent and signatures of both Parties. No oral statements or agreements will be binding to me or Pladd Dot Music.

7. Service Policy: The Pladd Dot Music service policy provides parts and labor necessary to maintain the Instrument in proper playing condition. In the event the Instrument is damaged or deteriorates in performance for reasons other than misuse, Pladd Dot will repair and regulate the Instrument at NO CHARGE. Pladd Dot will perform at my request, preventative maintenance inspections of the Instrument at any time during the term of this Agreement.

Any necessary repairs shall be performed at the Pladd Dot Music repair location or by a qualified Pladd Dot Music representative. This policy does not cover accessories such as reeds, oils, etc. or damage caused by repairs attempted by anyone other than Pladd Dot. Exterior finishes or cosmetic repairs are NOT covered. Any repairs made necessary by misuse or abuse shall be at my expense. All repair work must be done by Pladd Dot Music.

In the event that the Instrument is destroyed by fire / natural disaster, the Instrument will be replaced with one of equal value, provided reasonable proof is presented to Pladd Dot. If it is stolen through forcible entry, the Instrument will be replaced with one of equal value, provided the theft is reported to the police within 24 hours and a copy of the police report is furnished to Pladd Dot with Pladd Dot Music listed as Owner. The police report should provide the item’s make, model and serial number in addition to its current replacement value.

The replacement of the aforementioned instrument shall only happen if it is covered through my homeowner’s insurance. This policy is void if the Instrument is lost or stolen from an unsecured area such as school corridor, street, bus, etc. This policy does not cover abandonment. Pladd Dot reserves the right to limit replacement of an instrument due to theft to one occurrence. The policy is void if payments are not current.

8. Use of Instrument: I agree to use the Instrument solely for educational purposes. I agree that I will keep the Instrument in my possession at my residence address or at the school stated in this form. I will notify you, in advance, if I move, change my telephone number, or if my child changes schools. I will not remove the Instrument from the county and state of my current residence, unless I have contacted Pladd Dot Music in advance and obtained the consent to do so. I shall not misuse, sell, encumber, remove or otherwise dispose of or lose possession of the Instrument, nor permit, nor suffer any lien, encumbrance or charge against the Instrument. If I violate these provisions without the written consent of a Pladd Dot Music representative, I will have breached this Agreement, and you will have the right to terminate this Agreement and demand immediate possession of the Instrument.

9. Return of Instrument: I recognize that I am responsible for returning the Instrument to Pladd Dot Music. If I want to return the Instrument and terminate this Agreement, I will notify Pladd Dot at least five (5) days in advance by calling Pladd Dot Music (912-764-3230). Upon my return of the instrument, I may request a receipt from Pladd Dot. I understand that returning the instrument during any day within the current month constitutes a full month’s rental fee for the current month in which the instrument was returned. In the event of any dispute regarding the return of the Instrument, the presence or absence of a receipt will be conclusive. I understand that returning an instrument at a school is ONLY A COURTESY. I still maintain posession of the instrument until it has been returned to Pladd Dot Music.

10. Loss or Damage: I am fully and solely liable for damage to the Instrument, in excess of normal wear and tear, or loss or destruction of the Instrument from any and all causes, including but not limited to theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and mysterious disappearance. The loss, injury or destruction of the Instrument shall not release me from liability for it. In the event of such damage, loss or destruction, this Agreement will terminate and I agree to pay Pladd Dot the reasonable cost of repair of the instrument. If the Instrument is not returned to Pladd Dot Music for any reason, I shall be liable for the declared value of the Instrument, which if it is B or C Stock, 75% of the retail price of a new Instrument, or if A Stock, the current full retail price.

11. Other Charges: I further agree to pay Pladd Dot $75.00 for each visit made to my residence or work to collect any payment which I have not paid within ten (10) days of its due date; $50.00 for each visit you make in an attempt to repossess the Instrument following termination; $10.00 for any Insufficient Funds charges incurred from my payments, any costs Pladd Dot incurs in repossessing the Instrument if I do not return it to Pladd Dot upon termination of this Agreement and all costs of collection Pladd Dot incurs in
collecting any amounts I owe, including reasonable attorneys fees.

12. Right To Enter and Take Possession: If this agreement is terminated for any reason, Pladd Dot Music and its agents are specifically authorized to take possession of the Instrument, wherever found. I agree to pay for all costs, expenses and damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees. I understand that withholding or secreting the Instrument following termination of this Agreement, after Pladd Dot Music has demanded its return, constitutes the crime of “Theft by Conversion” and will subject me to any criminal
charges appropriate.

13. Changes in This Agreement: I understand and agree that, should any errors be made in properly filling out this Agreement, Pladd Dot Music will correct the errors and notify me of such changes, and I will be bound to them. I also agree to inform Pladd Dot Music of any changes in my name, address, phone number and/or any other contact information within ten (10) days after these changes occur.
Pladd Dot Music is Located at:
38 North Main Street
Statesboro, GA 30458
About us:
Pladd Dot Music specializes in music lessons, band and orchestra rentals and repair, and music retail. Feel free to give us a call or contact us via this website!